What We Do Best
Main Services & Key Sectors
We will provide initial advice on the potential of any site, building or land that you own or are considering developing for residential, commercial or any other form of development. We will then provide tailored formal or informal planning advice to meet your requirements.
Pre Application Planning Advice
We will engage with the council in formal pre-application consultation on your behalf. We will also manage consultation with other key stakeholders such as local residents, Councillors and other statutory consultees.
We prepare and submit any type of planning application on your behalf to the Local Planning Authority. This includes applications for full planning permission; Outline and Reserved Matters applications; Prior Approvals; Certificate of Lawfulness; applications for Listed Building and Conservation Area Consent; and change of use. We have good relationships with a number of architects and other specialist consultants and can bring them on board as required.
If planning permission is refused, or the Council fail to make a determination, we will advise on the merits of submitting an appeal or how best to move forward with the Council with a revised submission. We will then prepare and submit an appeal on your behalf, by one of the three methods (written representations, informal hearing or public inquiry). We have experience of all stages of the appeal process, including the preparation of the Appeal Statement and other evidence, Statement of Common Ground, costs submissions and attendance at hearings or inquiries.